100 Years Later
Exhibit area at the Deeley Motorcycle Exhibition featuring a diverse collection of motorcycles from various decades, including a prominent 1933 Harley-Davidson model. The display includes detailed information panels, a red backdrop with historical context, and a large black-and-white image of a motorcyclist. The timeline above marks key events in motorcycle history from 1900 to 1950.
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July 2 marks the 1950 grand opening of the East Broadway location of Fred Deeley Ltd. Previously located on West Broadway, Fred Deeley Limited actually got its start all the way back in 1914 with the opening of “Fred Deeley, The Cycle Man,” on 1075 Granville Street. Continuing the same business he had in England, Fred Deeley initially sold bicycles before starting the sale of motorcycles in 1916 with imported BSA’s. Before long, motorcycle business was booming and the sale of motorcycles and bicycles were separated, with a distinct motorcycle shop opening on West Broadway run by Fred Deeley Jr. It wasn’t long until a young Trev Deeley joined the team in 1935 as a mechanic, eventually becoming an integral member of the team. It was Trev’s decision to move the shop’s location in 1950 to its iconic spot at 606 East Broadway.

The Deeley family name has not only been influential in Canadian motorcycle history, but also holds great significance in the history of Vancouver. A racer, a collector, and a philanthropist, Trev Deeley’s distinguished personal collection of motorcycles can be appreciated at the Deeley Motorcycle Exhibition.

2017 marks 100 years since the Deeley family placed their faith in an almost unknown motorcycle company from Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Harley Davidson, thus becoming the first distributor of the brand in Canada. To celebrate such a milestone and the evolution of other motorcycle brands throughout the past 100 years, the Deeley Exhibition will be opening its new exhibit, “100 Years if Motorcycling,” on July 5 2017 and we cordially invite you to stop by. With all types of brands and models, there is something for everyone!


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