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A Brief History on Hill-Climb Motorcycles

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Many argue that motorcycle hill-climbing got its start in the early 1900’s thanks to Indian Motorcycles. Taking a motorcycle from the bottom of a steep hill, up and over, was a way to prove the power and strength of that motorcycle, and it was the method used by Indian to show off their latest models. These displays were often done at some of the steepest hills in Springfield, Massachusetts and eventually drew a crowd. Soon enough it became a sport for thrill seekers, and motorcycle companies began manufacturing hill-climb-specific models to meet the growing market of racers. Triumph began competing in 1905, with Harley Davidson joining the races five years later. The sport and the specific bike models both thrived together, with racing creating a demand, and new hill-climb models drawing in new racers.

hill-climb harley davidson

The 1920’s saw the biggest boom of the sport, with more and more competitors in hill-climb races and more motorcycle companies manufacturing hill-climbers. The sport was particularly popular in Southern Orange County, with its ideal terrain. Unfortunately the sport’s popularity did begin to wane, especially with the rise and prominence of other forms of racing, like flat track. The sport almost died out altogether until 2008, when the Daytona Motorsport Group took over from AMA, creating a 21st century resurgence in hill climbing popularity.

As part of our commemoration of unique bikes over the past 100 years, The Deeley Motorcycle Exhibition has on display a 1930 Harley Davidson Hill-climber. One of only thirty built, this unique bike was first introduced by Harley Davidson in 1929, during the height of hill-climbing popularity. This DAH with its overhead valve v-twin engine produces over 60 horsepower. First bought from the factory by Fred Deeley Jr, the bike was later gifted to Trev Deeley who had considerable success at hill-climb events throughout the Pacific Northwest.

hill-climb modern day

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Yes, Motorcycle Chariot Racing Is a Thing

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Mirrored after ancient Roman chariot races (the kind that tripped horses and sent men flying into the path of oncoming hooves as in Ben Hur), motorcycle chariot races followed the same principle, and the same level of danger and thrill. The sport of motorcycle chariot racing caught on during the 1920s and reached their peak in the 1930s. It’s not quite clear where the sport began: Australia, New Zealand, America, and parts of Europe all claim to have been founders, however an article from the United States in 1922 is the first real record about motorcycle chariot racing.

The first records of the sport indicate that only one motorcycle was being used, often carrying a chariot constructed from large wine barrels. However, the sport since grew in popularity and the amount of motorcycles pulling the chariot grew as well: four motorcycles appearing to be the pinnacle. Early versions of motorcycle chariot races included riders on the motorcycles themselves, simply pulling along the chariot which features a rider dressed in finery befitting the Roman Empire.

However, a majority of the sports’ brief history did not include a rider, with the charioteer driving the motorcycles themselves. This was done using a couple of methods: One method saw the charioteer using a leather chord as reigns which was attached to each individual motorcycles throttle, controlling both motorcycles simultaneously and at different speeds if need be. Other designs included rigid extensions that came off the handlebars, only allowing the rider to go forward in one gear, with the issue of braking unaddressed.

Although motorcycle chariot racing eventually died out in popularity, there are still some enthusiasts around trying to keep the sport alive, even using choppers as their steel horses.

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